Wednesday 23 April 2008

Days of Sunshine

Plenty of daylight and sunshine these few days in Aarhus, essentially a rare occurance. And its not the super humid, omg get me into an air con room type of heat ala Singapore. Seems like everyone decided to move their activities outdoors - lay down a sleeping bag, take their top off, read a book, take a nap etc.

Unfortunately, Aarhus seems colder than ever to me.

Maybe its the super long romantic holiday with a loved one that lifted my spirits up high, and now that she's gone, my mood has dived to a new low.

Maybe its the fact that after nearly 9 months away from home, I just want to get my exams over and done with and be on the plane home but my last exam had to be as late as 27th June.

And finally just maybe, that despite being in Aarhus for some time now, I still feel like a foreigner in a foreign land, unable to appreciate that sunshine means prancing about outdoors.

For now, the flickers of sunshine in my heart is kept there by memories and photos.

Saturday 19 April 2008

A Sad Moment

Kyle Lee Wei Chiat
Departed: 19th April 2008, 1435 hrs
Age: 22

Will be missed by the brothers in Europe


Saturday 12 April 2008

Memory Lane

I think I was supposed to have seen this thing before many many years ago but I'M SORRY MOM AND DAD I don't remember it. All I remember from that Europe tour was sitting in a coach all day, eating in chinese restaurants every night, popping out once a while to take a photo and go to the gift shop. But of course I'm eternally grateful that you chose to bring little ol me along on the family vacation and put up with my whining and restlessness, and the fact that many years later I'll return to the same spot and not remember anything :D

The flagship LV store is soooooooo nice. It's like walking in some posh palace / throne room inside. Can't take any photos otherwise security would have manhandled me.

Contrary to popular belief, the French people I met were not particularly snobbish or unhelpful just because I could not speak French. But still, a part of me wished I knew the language.

Tuesday 8 April 2008

Time Extension...

It's crazy how time passes so quickly on exchange, and in less than 3 months I will be back in Singapore.

In between now and then I still need to pass some exams, book the plane ticket home and see some places with some people.

But first it is time to enjoy Barcelona :)))

Thursday 3 April 2008

Band of Brothers

Present this photo and get a 50% discount on Tris' service. Which works out to about 10 baht. Hur hur.

Felt really nice chillin in Amsterdam with the guys and gals from Utrecht. The surrealness of it can just, sadly, never be replicated in Singapore.