Monday 31 December 2007

New Year in Prague

Never thought I could be sick of firecrackers and pyros, but after about two hours of seeing people set off all manners of firecrackers last night, I've pretty much had enough.

Bye 2007, Hello 2008.

It was while lying on the hostel bed that I realised how much I miss the revelry back home, even if I would be just watching the 'celebrations' from television. New Year as a tourist in a foreign city just does not have the same feel; although I do feel envious that the locals get to experience such life in their city every New Year's.

Friday 28 December 2007


Well before I leave this place, just some final words.

Salzburg was where I officially had the worst Döner kebab ever, and the worst excuse for a beer (which smelled and tasted like piss) at the YoHo hostel, where I'm typing this out.

But I suppose there is some charm in this City, refer to earlier post, but its just not quite for me at this point.


Thursday 27 December 2007

The Hills Are Alive

With the Sound of Music :)

Took this photo on the train from Slovenia to Salzburg, rather glad to be out of Slovenia.

And into the land where Mozart was born, where there are Sound of Music tours, mountains, snow, and loads of Asian people. Haha.

Mirabell Gardens. Been told by my financial controller that budget is tight, therefore did not enter the extort-tourist places like the Hohensalzburg Fortress. That may explain the lack of photos this trip :P

Not sure when will be the next time I get internet, but its off to Vienna tomorrow!

Monday 24 December 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to all from Slovenia!

Just got into Bled from Ljubljana, hoping for a white Christmas tomorrow. Would make some magnificent photos of the lake.

Christmas market and atmosphere in Ljubljana City Centre. Very nice, never seen anything like it before.

The ski place called Krvavec. Still aching a lot in areas I didn't know existed. Only thing more bruised is my ego from falling down a dozen times.

The famous Lake Bled on a foggy day.

EAT FIRE! Had a torch tour around the lake during the night.

Slovenia really is an interesting place. Maybe not the place for the faint hearted but also not totally rough and backward. We took a little long clearing customs, had a bunch of nonsense with London customs, and Slovenian customs... I think I'll work as a customs officer next time, so I can kick around even businessmen and politicians flying in. Ask them all sorts of nonsense questions and the like. Price wise the system is very pay for exactly what you use, and their idea of service is not quite first world.

All in all, its the road less travelled. And that has made all the difference =)

Have a jolly good Christmas 2007, Y'ALL!

Sunday 16 December 2007

Quiet Time

Did you feel the mountains tremble
Did you feel the oceans roar
When the people rose to sing of
Jesus Christ the risen One

Did you feel the people tremble
Did you hear the singers roar
When the lost began to sing of
Jesus Christ the saving One

And we can see that God you're moving
A mighty river through the nations
And young and old will turn to Jesus
Fling wide you heavenly gates
And prepare the way of the risen Lord

Open up the doors and
Let the music play
Let the streets resound with singing
Songs that bring Your hope
Songs that bring Your joy
Dancers who dance upon injustice

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. -- 2 Corinthians 12:9

Today I felt the beckoning after a long dry spell. And I'm glad I responded. Many times I think I can handle my life by myself; I have been blessed and have very little to worry about compared to many. But its not the material comforts or surface level that needed help, it was my soul. Tears streamed as I listened to songs, read the text, did my prayers... maybe it was the exams getting to me I thought, but not really. I needed time to take stock of my life, give thanks, seek Him and His wisdom.

And know that I am never alone, that I can never shut the door. And Christmas season is a time to remember, to say Happy Birthday Jesus, thank you so so very much.

Wednesday 12 December 2007

More on Spain

The Mau Travel Fund is always open for donations. Feeling a little generous this festive season? Big year end bonus and feel like sharing the love? Contributors will receive a nice big postcard from an exotic city of Mau's choice. Especially generous donors will get signed glossies of any photo on this website.

Commercial break over. More on Spain.

First day in Madrid, Spain! Got out of the Sol Metro Station to find... Aberdeen Football Club was in town for the UEFA match against Atletico Madrid (guess what, its not ALWAYS about Real Madrid). Loyal fans kicking a ball around. You could imagine how disorientating it was to be me.

Conveniently marked out in the photo is El Oso y el Madroño, statue of a bear and a strawberry tree. Symbol of Madrid.

Took this in Chueca. Gay friendly neighbourhood. Haha. But also great shopping district (big spenders should look into Salamanca district. Or hell, fly to London, Paris, Milan). Start here, walk towards Gran Via, then along Gran Via, turn into Fuencarrel and walk that stretch. Just to clarify, Zara's not fantastically cheap in Spain, perhaps due to the 16% IVA (tax). I did buy a pair of jeans, just not ten pairs of jeans, five shirts etcetc.

Plaza Mayor. There was a small time bazaar / Christmas market in the day.

Best toilet signs I've seen. User friendly, straight to the point.

Dinner was from 11pm to 2am. Then headed for some party until 5am. Took the first metro at 6am home to pack my bags. Headed out again to catch my 7.30am bus to San Sebastian. Great success! Meal timings in Spain are a "little" different from the rest of the world.

Yes Kyle I hate you too. I'm so glad you're on exchange in the country just North of me. Wait... whats new?

This was us arriving at Seville early Friday morning with too little sleep. Apparently we hit the jackpot going Spain because it was the Constitution Day on Thursday, and a Bank holiday on Saturday. We had to hunt down a hostel to sleep in that night, which Oasis Backpackers found for us in the form of Seville Urbany.

Also, somehow or other I left my Student ID at Oasis Backpackers the next day and at the time of writing they're preparing to mail my ID back to me in Denmark. What a fantastic place! What a forgetful moron I am!

Spanish Kopi Tiam. Churros and thick chocolate instead of kaya toast and kopi.

Traditional Flamenco in Seville, Andalucia. I'm not too great with the history and politics in Spain, nor do I want to be involved, but lets just say that flamenco originated from this region first. It was a lovely performance; the dancers were skilled, graceful, good looking.

And this is the Plaza de España in Seville, planet of Naboo in Star Wars Episode II for the Star Wars fans like myself. Very, very, very nice.

BIG THANKS to Liz Wu for letting me set up camp at her place in Madrid for several days, and for being the excellent hostess/tour guide/gourmet that she is. Don't blush now!

Friday 7 December 2007

Spanish Heartache

Decide to do a little blog post from my hostel in Seville, all part of the whole backpack and travel log thing.

Little tired and will furnish better details of my journey in time to come, enjoy the photos :)

Artistic shot (if I say so myself) of the back of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. Sadly I did not get to go in because the museum was closed. But I was still happy to be there, to take in the architecture of the museum.

Nearby the Prado Museum of Madrid is this roundabout with Neptune in full glory. I like to think he's snickering at the motor vehicles honking during peak congestion time.

Cove of San Sebastian, Donostia. Santa Clara island in the middle. I was out climbing Mt Urgull that day.

And finally, lovely spread of pintxos and the bartender pouring txakoli of the Basque Country.

If by now you do not know which country I have been in, uhm, got nothing to say.

Quotable Quotes of the Journey

Kyle: Life is good

Liz: I *must* come back here again