Sunday 11 November 2007

Land of Bofferding

Bofferding's the Luxembourg Beer. And no, Luxembourg is not renowned for its beer, or for its amount of beer consumed per year, unlike Germany and Denmark.

Caught my first snow here as well, on the final day. And it was snowing quite heavily on the Autobahn journey back. Though sadly, not seen any snow in Aarhus yet.

Luxembourg turned out to be a social cum study tour, which was really a good thing. It felt like the turning point of Orientation where everybody's just comfortable with one another, whereas previously we were just strangers in the same class.

What is Luxembourg famous for? Banks, fortresses, historical buildings and sights, and of course the European Court of Justice. Its not really much of a tourist place, a day or two should cover it sufficiently. That being said, the sights are AMAZING.

Top left: Gellen Fra Memorial. Gold plated female figure to commemorate the Luxembourgers who perished in the First World War.

Top right: Bronze statue of Grand Duke William II

Bottom left: Palace of the Grand-Ducal family. Was lucky to get a photo in when the gates were opened.

We were tremendously lucky that we had a juicy oral hearing to listen to for our study trip. The case was about State Aid to the Danish Television channel TV2. Language of the European Court of Justice was French, but the parties were speaking in Danish and interpretors behind glass windows were translating the case into the many different languages of the European Union, which I could hear from my headphones. It was very impressive. Knowing many languages is really very useful in the European Union, unlike Singapore where its the academic grades that count.

Our photo-op backdrop was a stunning view with the Grand Duchess Charlotte Bridge.

Thats my roommate Martin. He's in the Danish course rather than the English one, and he has a girlfriend who's in Medicine. Such a lot we have in common. Or perhaps the resemblance is more striking in the photo below with someone else...

Concluding thoughts: Had a lot of time to ponder and think, had a lot of socializing and fun, managed to see how an International (ok, European) Court functions, had some time to roam about a new city -- I would say it was a great trip.

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