Saturday 24 November 2007

Health Care

Been having a cold the past few days, which is nature's way of telling me... to buy loads of smart-looking warm winter clothing which I will not use at all in Singapore. Was quite looking forward to utilizing my free health care, one of the perks of being a Danish resident. Okay maybe looking forward is not the right word - but again I'm a sucker for a new experience.

I gave the clinic a call and got put through to an answering machine in Danish. Big load of help. Then I decided to haul myself down to the place. Thats when I got introduced to.. the system, something I thought would never occur since the days of SAF Health Care. (Although if you draw the links they are both free health care supplied by the State, and both have no interest in seeing more patients, only in getting their asses covered and enjoying cushy hours. Therefore, THE SYSTEM makes perfect sense!) Apparently all the doctors are busy and they do not take walk-ins. Either I make an appointment, which would be in a few weeks' time, by which time I would be cured or dead, thereby negating the need for a doctor; or I had to call between the hours of 8am and 10am, at which time the doctor would pick up and I can make an appointment for the day. Okay. So the next prudent thing I did was to ask for a thermometer just to check if I was running a fever. But, the clinic// did. not. have. one.

I was sick, but sickly curious: "So how do you tell if patients have a fever?". Nurse/Recep's answer: "Well we do a blood test. Because the thermometer is not very accurate."

Now I just HAVE to see this for myself. But the next morning I had a class, and calling at 9am to make an appointment got me straight to the answering machine again. Lying bastards!

For those who care, I've been depleting my tea reserves, my vitamins, some medicine, and I made chicken soup. Should be getting better on my own. Kudos to Danish Health Care, aka: Visit your nearest Apotek, do not trouble the doctors!

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