Tuesday 6 November 2007

Luxembourg Bound!

Going off on a Study Trip to Luxembourg in just a few hours. Looking forward to seeing a new country, getting a tour of the European Court of Justice and hearing a case relevant to what I'm studying; not looking forward to a combined total of 24 hours on a Coach.

But I will bring my laptop along for entertainment. Hope this idea won't bite me in the arse, however that might happen.

People seem to be the most excited when you tell them you've been to London, Paris, Milan, Rome and Spain. They'll just give you a blank look when you tell them something like Luxembourg and sometimes I wonder if I should really bother mentioning about such travels. Its almost as bad as telling people you made toast and eggs for breakfast.

But I will have photos when I come back. Aha! And this is my blog and my right to post boring stuff. If you no like, feel free to Alt Tab :D

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