Wednesday 8 August 2007

Farewell Singapore; Hello Århus, Denmark

Its been a week since I've left Singapore. Once again, a big thank you to all who came to see me off and those who sent me kind words of encouragements. Photos will be up soon I promise.

Journey was long and tiring. Started off with a passenger who fell ill on board the plane, which caused a delay in take-off, which then caused me to miss my connecting flight in London. So here is a photo of my meal at an airport cafe in Heathrow.

The meal costs 5 GBP. Good luck to all going UK.


After finally reaching Copenhagen Airport, my huge 29kg luggage went missing. But hey I got my golf bag all right, so maybe the idea was I could take out my clubs and threaten to bludgeon people if they didn't give me clothes. In the end the luggage was located, somehow it was on the next flight and I was delayed yet again for another hour =|

Next came my first encounter with the Danish Language cos I wanted to buy the train ticket at a discount price. Had to fill in some form which I could not understand, the lil old lady selling tickets was possibly quite annoyed that she had to do it for me. But yay I saved some money. Well technically I didn't, but I'd be saving future money.

Train ride lasted 3.5 hours. By this time I was so exhausted because I forgot to reserve a seat (like what the heck?!) and I was booted out of my comfortable seat by someone who trumped me with her reservation. Met a girl from Romania on the train; Chatted with her cos I saw that she was reading the Denmark Today book (immersion course) and found out that she had her luggage lost, too -_- . Sheesh.

Drama ended at the train station. Mentor came, grabbed my stuff, and headed for the Kollegiet where I will call home for the next year. I was just so happy to have a place to dump all my stuff and a bed I collapsed into almost immediately =)

Truly humbled by this entire experience. I went into it thinking I've got everything worked out, nothing can stop me. Maybe arrogance and pride did. Found myself needing Him a lot, and feeling blessed that in the end, everything worked out fine. And I gained +250 travel experience. Hurrah! Level up!

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