Wednesday 8 August 2007

Photos Galore

Okay this post will contain photos from the stuff I have been doing over the past week. Mundane stuff have been intentionally left out. Suffice to say it feels like a big adventure game, where I need to complete one quest, gain a rare item to bring to random undisclosed location, proceed with another quest etc. Obstacles include lack of FAQs, loss of memory and insufficient experience.

Bicycle Culture

Besides the fact that in Denmark they drive on the wrong side of the road (other side of the road if you want to be PC), they do have something nifty called a bicycle lane. Many people own a bicycle, and use it to commute to work etc. And they look good too, unlike the stereotypical sweaty man cycling hard and panting even harder.

City Tour

City tour conducted by the Student Society.

My group for the city tour. Nothing much, except the guy in red looks like Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Stella Polaris Party

Think setting up of beer tents, playing weird monotonous music (supposedly chill-out music) type of party. This took place after the City tour where me and my friend Juan Miguel from Spain were walking. We originally intended to go visit the Botanic Gardens but hey this is way more interesting.

Some guy in the water after having a bit too much to drink. His friend is baiting him out with a can of beer at the end of the line. Heh! The guy at the bottom of the photo has brilliant abs. Just fyi I'm not homosexual, just green with envy at guys with hot bods.

The group I was there with. Basically Juanmi's friends from Spain and the girl second from left is from Greece. Great cultural learning of Singapore, only its Mau instead of Borat.

The view. BBQ, cook-outs and stuff. We so did not come prepared. I had to buy some Tokyo Noodle from the food tent which was horrible - think spaghetti with peppers, coriander and other exotic veggies bought from discount supermarkets. If they served crap like that in Tokyo, it wouldn't last two seconds.

But the evening went well. Learnt quite a bit about Spain, and in turn shared about Singapore. Headed to a pub near the train station after the 'party', had a few more beers and caught the last bus home. The very first bus ride I took and its the last bus of the night. Its a miracle I got off at the right stop.

BBQ by the University Lake

Aint my mentor great? Thats the guy sitting opposite me. He arranged the BBQ, brought sausages, the pit, beer and all. I brought uhm.. Ribs, Party Pack of Lays, Bananas. All the three food groups, beat that. Girl next to me is from Germany, also studying law. Other girl's from Finland, studying Marine Biology. Around here no one knows the names of one another, just where they hail from. So I'm the strange guy from Singapore, who brought good stuff for the BBQ, and brought his laptop along to use the wireless. I was suffering withdrawal symptoms can? Did not have the cable for the internet in my room.

Day at the Beach

'Twas a nice Monday afternoon at the beach in Risskov. This came after a boring lectures about Norse Mythology; its all very history - about Vikings, Valhalla, historical findings, written sources etc. I was on MSN the whole time and even ran the game Box World. Then came some obnoxious German sitting behind me who was staring at my screen and commenting to his neighbour that I sucked cos it was so easy. Those who do play Boxworld will know that looks are deceiving. So anyway I held it in and refrained from calling him...... stuff. Or challenging him to complete it. He can so suck it cos I'm the one with a laptop and internet whereas he's the one who can do nothing but wank.

Culture shock cos some people here sunbathe topless. By some people, an example would be the woman on the extreme right. No I do not have explicit photos, but if you were to buy me a good DSLR with telephoto lens, I'm sure we could work something out the next time I'm at the beach.

Clockwise from left:

1. German girl, friend and classmate of the german girl in previous photo.

2. Polish girl studying law

3. Thomas, aka mentor to me, the polish girl, german girl, italian girl and two more incoming law students.

4. Italian girl studying law

That should about bring things up to speed. Could always MSN or email me (the gmail email!) if you want to know more about my room, the weather, the prices (generally horrible), the culture and if you miss me.


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