Thursday 9 August 2007

Laundry & Cooking

Those of you who know me will know that I don't cook or do my laundry. So this post of great jubilance is going out to all my fans, and people who are like me and going on exchange.

Laundry was a nightmare - all the instructions everywhere in the laundry room were in Danish, even the one that says Warning: Remember to remove everything out of pockets. Thankfully some Danish people helped me with the translation; one of them had also gone on exchange in Singapore, but in SMU, unfortunately.

Anyhow, my laundry success could be attributed to beginner's luck. But I'm sure not gonna post about any laundry disasters (c'mon you've had them too. c'mon. don't lie)

As far as cooking is concerned, I've decided to eat out during lunchtimes, partly because its too much hassle cooking and washing up, partly because whats the point of going another country and not trying their food. And while its definitely true that cooking is more economical than eating out, I think the capital outlay for cooking is scary. Think oil, sauce, ingredients, washing up stuff.

And here's where I messed up. Bought a packet of frozen stuff from an Asian shop thinking it was fish, and when I defrosted the 'fish', it felt rubbery. So then I spent some time googling how to cook squid.

Boil the sucker, add some sauce, cook it some more and...

Great success! Will do calamari with the rest of them squids. Yum!

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