Sunday 23 September 2007

Autumn Reflections

Usually my thoughts go wild and crazy almost all the time, but the minute I start to blog, they decide not to party anymore. The same goes with assignments and essays. I suspect its because the blank white screen fails to stimulate those brain cells. And this is why I think I will not make a good lawyer, or even office worker for that matter. But aside from having reflections about my thoughts, I decide I will just a pose a simple question:

Can there ever be a best time to visit a place?

Yes this is partly aimed at the failed road trip, because we had the transport, the company, and the weather to back us up. But yet a part of me is glad that I was in Aarhus for this weekend, this slice of time, because I actually got up to many things, which I would have to forego had I spent it in Sweden. On another sidenote, just to maybe get more COMMENTS ON MY BLOG, would you rather go to a safe country alone when the timing was perfect (i.e. theres a festival going on, the weather is great, whatever floats your boat) and not have company, or would having a buddy or group of friends be more important?

Photos from pub crawl on Friday:

Its a bit sad that the name translates to Kurt's Mom. And because it was raining so hard outside, it was filled with people, who would probably be sitting outside in an al fresco cafe along Aboulevarden.. like the next one we went to!

I kinda cycled home tipsy by the end of the pub crawl. My legs felt like lead.

And now photos from the LIVE! soccer game I was at, Saturday. The ticket was complimentary owing to the beer (or two, or five, or ten) I bought at the big university fredagsbar a week ago.

This is what happens when you don't support the correct team...

All in all, it wasn't too bad for a soccer game thats free. There were a few yellow cards, 1 red card, goals were scored (Aarhus team lost 2-1), and a lot of missed opportunities which my german friends cringed at. One said, "if this game was played in Germany, everyone would just get wasted".

Half-time show. "They should sell these cars and buy better players". Hilarious.

As for my bicycle, I've been getting a lot of mileage and exercise from it. The lack of suspension still makes every bump hurt like hell, though.

And finally, my good lock which has withstood the perils of a file:

Turns out my neighbour had her doormat stolen as well. Quite a lot of savages around. There was some guy roaming around the residence in his scooter, peeping into windows, checking whether bicycles are locked etc. Me and another resident didn't take too long to figure out he wasn't up to any good, but theres nothing we can do if we didn't want to cause trouble (something like running a rusty pole up his candy hole. its a nice rhyme too. sorry but this topic just gets me angry. its probably a reason I'm glad I do not share a kitchen with people and my food goes missing)

And for Sunday I stepped out of my comfort zone to learn some basic salsa steps at the Student House. Don't figure I'll write about it this time because I'm planning to keep going there in the weeks/months to come.

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