Sunday 2 September 2007

Post-Grad Holiday


Three huge vases which are supposed to symbolise life and death (because it stores food, and stores ashes), and the youth hostel I stayed in. After dumping my pack there, I headed over to.....

Viking ship museum! The main reason I went to Roskilde. Some boring history (disclaimer: could be inaccurate): On showcase are 5 viking ships which were found and restored as best as could be. In the past when Roskilde was the main town, it is likely that these ships were loaded with boulders, sailed out and deliberately destroyed to ward off possible attacks by makingthe route inaccessible. Ironic how in the past, inaccessibility is key to survival, while now it is quite the opposite.

Second photo is about the voyage of a ship called the Sea Stallion which they created after Skuldelev 2 (one of the 5 viking ships). It is to sail from Roskilde to Dublin and back. Just pure wind energy and manual rowing. More can be found at this website.

Last photo is some random display ship for aesthetics/to fill up empty space and the area was useful for restless kids to run about. Oh and there were some viking costumes available to play dress up. But I think I'm a little too old for that.

Dont think this is some easy voyage. I actually had to row the darn thing (see the oars by the side). And later on when the sail was up, the wind/waves became very strong and my pants got wet as a result (no, not what you're thinking). Nevertheless it was a very very fun experience.

Roskilde Domkirke. Admitted to 1995 UNESCO's World Heritage List. Also the place for royalty to be buried in. But I wont be putting up photos of coffins on my blog, no matter how elaborate looking they are. Took a photo of an illustration, I do think thats supposed to be Adam and Eve. The architecture of the Cathedral was brilliant, and someone was playing on the organ when I was there, so that certainly boosted the experience.


After more than 2 days of solo travelling, was very happy to meet up with Khelvin, who was to be my host in Copenhagen for the subsequent few days. Took some time to get used to the S-train and Metro system, and living in his huge shared house but with only 1 bathroom for 5-6 people. That aside, it felt good to finally be able to kick back and relax, and explore buffet places(!!!) Actually it was just one buffet place, but we were there three times in five days. And all three times I didnt need to eat dinner.

Ok on now to the tourist things of Copenhagen...

Icon of Denmark. I will definitely come by here again, not because its so fascinating, but because its very interesting to see the 1001 people doing all sorts of poses with the Little Mermaid. One person climbed all the way up and.. had some light petting with her. So do drop by to see! Just remember you're neither the first nor the last to... you know.

Carlsberg Brewery. Me and Khel totally went there with the intention to learn about the beer making process, and to see what goes on in a brewery. After all I've never been to APB. The drinking at the end of it was part of the educational experience. Great success!

Just trying out some artistic poses. Ahem so I went to the Louis Tussaud's Wax Museum, and *of course* I did not take any photos there. Distinctive feature of the wax museum was its house of horrors - Pandora's box, wax figure on an electric chair etc.

And finally Tivoli. Weihan and Khelvin posing with their year long membership card of Tivoli. I swear they bought it just so they can go in and collect Tivoli Cups to return for 5 kr each. I think thats the scariest ride in Tivoli.. may do it the next time I come, when I buy the unlimited rides ticket. Heh, heh. Or I may chicken out.

Here's a video of the Live Band playing at Tivoli for the Friday Night Rock. I was informed that this genre of music is techno, so if Danish Techno is your thing, click on...

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