Sunday 19 August 2007

Methodist Church on Sunday

Felt moved to write this post. Woke up early on Sunday morning, which was a good thing because I was led to the Methodist Church in Aarhus.

Click on the photo for the link to the website, if you wish. I was not expecting much because - the service would be in Danish; I was told that Danes do not go to church every Sunday, only on Easter and Christmas; Methodism is not a smash hit denomination in Denmark.

What did follow was truly amazing. A kind lady sat next to me and offered to translate so I could follow the service and sermon. And while singing a Danish hymn, tears just started flowing freely. I used to wonder in the past when it happened, whether it was just that I liked the song so much. Now I truly know that it does not matter whether I know the lyrics of the song, but whether the presence of the Holy Spirit stirred me sufficiently. And it did. And I came out of the service feeling truly blessed.


After the service as I was wandering about the City, a gentleman came up to me and started talking. He was standing close to the cathedral obviously for a reason, which I only knew on hindsight. After chatting for a bit, I left, with a copy of a Watchtower magazine and some other publication.

For those who need me to elaborate.. (law students, shame on you).. I met, for the first time, a member of the Jehovah's Witness.

1 comment:

Jenny Mertes said...

We will be visiting Aarhus this week and I would love to know where to find the Methodist church you attended. I would really like to go to church while we are there, and the Lutheran church is too liturgical for me. Can you give me any more information please?